

Happy Sunday!

Today I want to discuss what the Samaritan Woman taught me about Jesus.



While reading the account of the Samaritan Woman’s discussion with Jesus I realized He offers you peace where you are a struggling (John 4:6). This is because He was sat at the well where she eventually came to draw water. Hence in any area you are struggling-whatever your well is-Jesus would be offering you peace.



I realized you meet Jesus where and when you least expect Him. This is because the Samaritan woman was certainly not expecting to meet Him when she came to draw water but He was already there waiting for her (John 4:7). Which also shows that our encounters with Jesus are very different because He enjoys meeting with you privately in His perfect time (John 4:7). This also shows His timing is perfect as He sat at the well by noon (John 4:6) which to dig deeper suggests Jesus knows when you have had enough-and He would be waiting to have an encounter with you in that situation.



He gives you more insight into what you are carrying (John 4:9). Notice the Samaritan woman did not contemplate giving a drink to Jesus as He was a Jew-hence the thought never even crossed her mind-she was confused by His question. Hence when you walk with the LORD, He will challenge you in areas of your walk with Him and ask you to do certain things you never expected for Him to ask of you.



He stretches and shapes the way you think (Romans 12:1-2). Notice here the Word makes us aware that Jews did not socialize with Samaritans (John 4:8-9). Yet Jesus changed the way this woman thought as she was a Samaritan and He was a Jew-hence when you allow Jesus into that situation He gives you a fresh perspective to what you perceive to be a problem.



This allows for His revelation to flow into your circumstance-this is clear here when He explains to the woman using the analogy of drawing water that He is living water (John 4:10). This means He teaches you more about who He is through your circumstances. He changes your understanding of being in relationship with God (John 4:21-24) so you can truly experience the beauty of salvation. He leads you to God (I am the way, the truth and the life-you cannot come to the Father except through Me-John 14:6). He enables you to understand the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and your position as a worshipper of God (John 4:23-24). This is all revelation that only comes through relationship with Him.



He also changes your source of dependence from people to Him (John 4:11-12). Here the woman was asking if He was greater that Jacob who gave them the well to drink from-and His answer was yes because when we rely on people

we will always run out of options

(John 4:14). But the LORD gives eternally. His method is different-its permanent. He invites you into an eternal relationship with Him (John 4:13-14).



He sets you free from strongholds. And this is clear from this account where the woman asked for His water-the water that wells up to eternal life. This shows her mindset had shifted-it had changed. Sometimes we pray to be free from strongholds that we ourselves allow to dwell within us-all you may require is a shift in your mindset like this Samaritan Woman. But this will also require an encounter with the LORD. This is why she was able to leave her water jar and begin evangelizing-

she no longer needed it

(John 4:28). This shows when we allow Jesus into our lives-when we experience that encounter-it not only breaks us free from our strongholds, it propels us into our purpose. She became an evangelist simply because of that encounter. And this also shows a true encounter with Christ will not leave you the same way you met Him.



He uses your experiences to teach you about the kingdom of God (John 4:13-14). This is what happens when you begin to walk in


with God-your experiences begin to act like lessons to reveal to you the secrets of the kingdom of God. This is why the LORD used the water the woman came to draw to teach her about eternal life.



He knows your secrets (John 4:16-18). This also means He doesn’t judge you (John 4:17-18). Notice here that the LORD focused on her dependence on men-and she rightly said she had no husband-but the LORD went deeper-He sees everything so you cannot hide anything from Him. But the beautiful thing here is He didn’t even judge her-He just wanted her to understand He knew and the interesting thing is He didn’t just want to change her source of dependence, He wanted to completely set her free-which is why He drew attention to the fact that she had “five husbands” and a present man that was not her husband-He wants to set you free in all areas of your life-this is what this means.



The LORD changes your mission (John 4:28-29). This woman no longer needed her water jar because her purpose had shifted-she didn’t need it anymore. And when you have encountered the LORD, you realize all you need is Him and you let go of whatever water jar you are holding! It is truly a thing of beauty to experience. He even uses you in ways people least expect (John 4:27)-people would begin to question His relationship with you-but you need to understand that is not their business-He values intimacy which is why here Jesus sent the disciples away and waited for the Samaritan Woman-also notice He did not discuss this meeting with the disciples who were surprised to find him talking with a woman (John 4:27). This also shows don’t be deterred if spiritual leaders question your relationship with God. Don’t let it question your faith. He turns you into fishers of men-and makes you even more effective (John 4:30). Notice this woman was able to draw people out of the town and towards Jesus. This is the power of His presence over your life-He makes you move mountains when He releases His Spirit over you and He uses you to lead people to Him (John 4:30). Finally notice He gives you a revelation of who He is through His conversations with you (John 4:26). This is why it is extremely important to keep talking to Jesus-don’t think you have learned all there is to know about Him-because there is always more to be discovered!