Hi Guys!
Today I will be giving 3
simple tips on finding your strength!
Shift your Perspective: Usually when we are
confronted with challenges-it is very tempting to sit down and wallow in self
pity-but this is a very important and critical stage where you can learn to
discover yourself. Shift your perspective of the situation. Instead of thinking
why did this happen? Start to
meditate instead on what can I learn from
this situation? You will be surprised how shifting your perspective of the
situation adjusts your attitude to the pain and in the process you discover strength
you never even knew you had
Adjust Your Perception: This provides a path to
investigating your desires. When we go through a tumultuous situation, we
realize we have qualities we never knew we possessed. And this is usually the
reason people gravitate either forwards or backwards when faced with tragedy or
trials. Its because you have two choices: either you give into the pain and
your negativity or you fight for your positivity. And you may ask: how do you do this? well after shifting
your perspective from how you perceive the situation, it will also address how
you process your intuition. You will notice that we have a fight or flight
instinct and if you choose to fight-you give birth to a desire to move forward
instead of backwards. This will lead you along the path that is a journey to
self discovery-you will learn new ways to deal with pain and this builds your
muscle of strength.
Change Direction: This leads to my final
point: you will then need to change your direction-and what this means is you
will have to make sacrifices-as you realize there were and may still be
blockages to your happiness in your relationships. You have to make a choice-some
people cannot follow you forward. And so you will have to leave them behind
because you are facing a new direction. The reason this produces strength is
that it requires persistence. It requires persistence and perseverance to say
no to certain relationships that you once said yes, it would require
determination and dedication to refuse to listen to your heart but instead
follow your head. And this will give you the strength you will need as you move
forward to access and evaluate those you can allow within your circle of trust,
and those that you should keep away from.
Leave your comments
below and let me know: what have been the
challenges for you in building your strength?
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