Write It Down: Dreams don’t happen
overnight. You need to agree with that vision by writing it down-make it plain
as the Word says. (Habbakuk 2:2). When you make it plain through your words you
breathe life into your dreams-you agree with your destiny. There is now unity
because you have engaged your imagination with your reality. This also enables
you to have a visual blueprint for what it is you actually want to do with your
life. so many people are like the wind-they change their minds consistently.
There’s nothing wrong with experimenting-but no one wants a half cooked
meal-the same way no one will respond to an idea that only takes half the
effort. This is why you need to write down your vision-to make it plain for yourself and for others. There is power in
this agreement.
Focus: Focus is so key when
following your dreams-this means you need to be concentrated and determined.
There is no room for distractions. For instance, you have some disposable
income-instead of spending it on those cute pair of shoes or that new
wristwatch; invest it in your dreams. Do you like to cook? Then use the money
to invest in some quality utensils. Do you want to start a business? Invest it
in a course or in building your business profile. This requires focus and
consistency. You need to be disciplined. Dreams
don’t come into reality through laziness-it requires dedication and a lot of
hard work. So are you ready to put in the work?
Consistency: Now you have written
your dreams them and aligned your imagination with reality. You also need to
focus on the vision through consistency. This means there may not be any return
in your investments for the first couple of years-you may not see the profit
you were anticipating immediately-but don’t be discouraged. There is no such
thing as an overnight success-each and every successful person hit a couple of
roadblocks on their path to living their destiny-and you are no different. You
will face naysayers and disappointments may seem like a constant companion-but
keep pushing through-this will build you to handle the level of success
awaiting you.
In other words, what do
you enjoy doing? Do you like writing/singing? Then delve deeper-for instance do
you enjoy writing/reading fiction? Do you think you could do that on a day-to-day
basis without stress? To find your dreams you need to look within. This process
takes time but it is worth it!
For more on Following Your Dreams: