Hey Everyone! My last post for 2016 will be
to share the 12 Key Lessons I Learned in
2016. My aim here is to just share and inspire you all to keep the faith
and keep pushing-if you would love to here more, please leave your e-mail below
or DM me.
Judge-You Don’t Know Somebody Else’s Story: Its
important to listen to another person’s point of view because we don’t all view
life from the same perspective. I learned people’s stories are not written on
their faces-so learn not to judge a book by its cover-literally.
plans-God Laughs: This has to be my most valuable lesson this year. God’s timing
is perfect and although man plans in His heart God establishes His steps (Prov.
16:9)-if God has not established those steps yet concerning whatever desire you
may have, I have learned it is not in a direction that is in His will at that
point in time.
Live In
the Moment: This was my toughest lesson because I’m a planner by nature-I
obsess over little details and always think ahead. This year, the LORD really
had to pull me into present moments to remind me to bask in what has been done
now that I had been working towards then.
What You Have: I’ve learned and am learning that the true joys in life come
from the little things-sharing a laughter with friends, showing appreciation to
loved ones, enjoying the experiences you share with those that matter. I
learned and am learning to place more value in these moments because you never
know what tomorrow may bring.
Show Kindness Even When It is Not Reciprocated: This was
another tough lesson but its true. In those private moments where people really
get under your skin you have to learn to take the high road. You don’t know
people’s struggles and you don’t have to react to their pain. Learn to let go
and push past their drama to allow yourself to grow through the process by not
responding to their vitriol.
Reputation Speaks Louder Than Your Words Ever Will: I learned
this just by observing those around me. I noticed that how people treat you
when you are in the room is hardly a reflection of what they say when you are
not around. You have to learn to value people that work with you, around you
and for you-you have to learn to listen to them-because this is where you
reputation makes a mark that your words would never be able to overshadow.
Fear Is
Usually A Sign That Your Faith Wants To Move: Some of
you know I took the New York Bar Exam this year-and that was the single
scariest decision and test I made this year because I knew God called me to do
it-I also knew He did not tell me in advance to do it because He knew I
wouldn’t have done it lol but He presented the opportunity at a time when I
could not run from it-and I had to read and study and trust in faith although I
was very afraid. And as always He came through-this really taught me that where
there is a fear, faith wants to move and when you allow faith to move instead
of fear, you grow stronger into the person God has called you to be.
Walking by
Faith Requires A Lot More Vision Than Walking By Sight: I also
learned this year that walking by faith means you really cannot walk by sight.
I learned that walking by faith means you may not know where you will be in a
week/a month/a couple of years but that’s the beauty of the journey of learning
to trust in Him and not your own understanding (Prov. 3:5) but I also learned
that faith requires more vision and it requires you look from a different direction-through
His eyes and not the vision of the world. I learned this is not as easy as it
sounds and the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41) and will
fight this decision repeatedly.
9. Serve…Serve And Serve Some More: This year I learned to serve as unto the LORD-period. I learned that my work/relationships/profession should be done as unto God and this means even if I am dissatisfied or feel unappreciated I keep pushing through it all because I work for an audience of One. I do not need anyone’s validation to know my work is appreciated as I work unto Him (John 3:30). And this really repositioned my heart and my perspective on ambitions and success.
You Never
Know Where The Next Opportunity Will Come From: God
really took me by the hand this year to teach me to trust Him even when I could
not see the open doors. I learned in Him opportunities literally manifest
through the process of walking with Him. This was a key lesson for me because I
like to plan ahead but this year, I was led to lean on His timing not mine and
this meant I had to learn to let go and trust Him.
Vigilant With Your Values: I learned that the more you grow
in Christ, the more your values will be tested-this year the LORD refined my
love for Him through testing my values and my vision.
These are
some lessons I learned this year-I will be sharing some more personal and
profound messages with my subscribers-if interested leave your e-mail below or
send it to me at tolu@tolufalode.com-Happy
New Year in advance guys!
God Bless!