Guys! Today we will be learning through the study of Deborah how to function in
Judges 4:4-5 (NIV):
4 Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading
Israel at that time. 5 She held court under the Palm of Deborah
between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites
went up to her to have their disputes decided.
Knows You By Name: The Word first gives us her
name before it proceeds to tell us more about her. This is because there are
titles, positions and callings attached to your name-that can only be revealed
through the Word of God. Remember He calls you by name (Isaiah 43:1). He knows
you more than you could possibly know yourself (Jeremiah 1:5).
And then we are told her
A Prophet: This is
the first point of understanding we have of Deborah because God should always
come first in your life-and firstly we are dedicated to God. This also tells me
God wants to be close to you (Amos
3:7) as this Word tells us that God does nothing without telling His servants the prophets. So we need to reach this point
of close contact with God.
Wife of Lappidoth: This releases the next point
of contact-relationships. God connects you with destiny helpers. Deborah was a
wife of Lappidoth. Lappidoth means flames. And the Word tells us He makes His
servants flames of fire (Hebrews 1:7). Hence this means that Lappidoth was His
servant-so single men/women don’t be
unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14).
God has your Lappidoth connected to your calling in His house. This is why
we are told firstly Deborah was a prophet and then she was a wife. Listen: God would not connect
you to boyfriends/girlfriends-He is preparing you for a spouse.
Held court: She held court meaning she
had a zone of authority-she was organized and functional. You are given
authority in the role God has called you to play.
Under the Palm of Deborah: This means that where her
zone of authority was-had her name on it. Hence when you are positioned in the
role you have been called to play, it would bear your title as long as you stay under
it because you have to stay within your zone of influence. God
shows you your zone of influence.
Between Ramah and Bethel: She was positioned in a particular
location-when working as unto God He places you in strategic positions. Positions
and locations are different. Her position was under the Palm of
Deborah but her location was between Ramah and Bethel. Some people know their
location i.e. law, medicine, music-but
not their position-and your position is only revealed through the leadership of
the LORD (Romans 8:14). This is why her position was called the PALM
of Deborah. In other words, God wants to take you there personally-it
cannot be found otherwise-it has your name on it.
Hill country of Ephraim: This was a hill country,
which reminds me of the fact that we are a town placed on a hill that cannot be
hidden (Matthew 5:14). Hence your spiritual location is important. A hill
country suggests elevation and as children of God this means you cannot connect
with true purpose outside your relationships with God. We are citizens of
Heaven (Philippians 3:20). This is why Deborah was in the hill country of Ephraim. And this also means for people to be able
to gain access to you, they will have to come
closer to the kingdom of God as they went
up to her to have their disputes decided.
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