Genesis 15:1-5 (NIV):

The Lord’s Covenant With Abram.

15 After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision:
“Do not be afraid, Abram.
    I am your shield,[a]
    your very great reward.[b]”
But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit[c] my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” And Abram said, “You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir.”
Then the word of the Lord came to him: “This man will not be your heir, but a son who is your own flesh and blood will be your heir.” He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring[d] be.”Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.

Hey Guys today we begin the last Sunday Series for the Year: From Preparation to Purpose.
The first part of this study is the LORD’s Covenant with Abram.

1.  The Covenant: It all starts at the cross. You have to receive salvation in your heart and accept the LORD into your life to fully step into the benefits of the covenant. Before the covenant, Abram did not have the promise. The covenant comes before the promise. When the covenant is made, the LORD begins to speak into your situation. This is why the word of the LORD came to Abram because the word comes only to the children of God-He reveals Himself only to His children (1 Samuel 3:21).

2.  The Vision: Abram received a vision from God. This is how it starts-with the Word. The Word comes with vision to the children of God meaning it comes with understanding-with knowledge because once you enter the covenant you are now a child of God. And He reveals Himself only to His children. The vision builds your connection to the LORD. God told Abram not to be afraid because He is his shield and his great reward-in other words, the LORD is now His defense (Proverbs 18:10). And it is through this intimacy we experience the rich love of God because His perfect love casts away all fear (1 John 4:18).

3.  Brokenness: God always speaks to your barrenness or your brokenness. That is where His strength moves in your weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). Where you struggled, is where He will reveal His glory. This is where the vision will take root. Notice Abram’s vision took root in his barrenness. He said to the LORD-he had no child. (Genesis 15:3). And then the LORD showed him the vision. (Genesis 15:4) once more through the Word-which is why as believers we have to stay in the Word-the Word will reveal the will of God into our lives. The Word of the LORD spoke to Abram’s barrenness about a child-because you see, once you step into your spiritual inheritance you are no longer physically limited. It is not I who live, but Christ that lives in me (Galatians 2:20) as the Word says.

4.  Separation: If you want to receive the Word of God into your life and step fully into your purpose you have to be separated. It is a product of your inheritance because you are called out of the world to be a light to the world (Matthew 5:16)-this is why the Word says your light should shine before men-because you are no longer just men (2 Timothy 3:5)-you are a child of God meaning you have certain benefits, protections, provisions. This will all require separation to enter into the place of preparation that will ultimately lead you to the promise. And if you are not separated you will not be able to understand the word of God concerning your life. This is why God had to take Abram outside-outside here means outside your flesh, your worldly understanding, your own belief system-and is a place of simple and deep reliance on God (Prov. 3:5)-this is where the connection becomes stronger because you begin to feed on His Word and become stronger (Luke 4:4)-this is where you learn to walk by faith not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). God will not speak if you refuse to follow Him outside because as a child of God you must be led by His Spirit (Romans 8:14). If you refuse to follow Him, you are limiting your own access to the sonship we have received through Christ.

5.  Direction: When you step outside, (Prov. 3:5) this shows trust because you are putting your faith into action (James 2:26). This is why God then said he should look. This means direction-because God told him where to look-at the sky. Hence God will always lead you higher than you can take yourself, He will always show you further than you can possibly see on your own. He will always release you into a place of elevation when you follow Him-His direction is to bless you. This is why Abram was told to look up at the sky. This implies limitless possibilities because God will always lead you beyond your own boundaries.

6.  Focus: When you listen and look where He shows you, He will focus your stare because now your faith is stronger, you will begin to see clearer and would be able to count. Can you see the correlation between obedience and release? Abram was told to count the stars, which is interesting because of course he could not possibly, humanly count the stars! This is because once you receive your vision you have begun your mission! Your mission has begun in private in those moments of obedience before anyone knows. As you focus and grow in faith-it releases understanding which will enable you to focus, which is, why Abram can now count. Next the LORD says if indeed you can count them. This is because you would not be fully able to grasp the intensity of the blessing no matter how much you believe. Sure you can count but you can’t comprehend the quantity because you cannot count everything-this means God wants to bless you beyond what your mind could possibly understand (1 Corin. 2:9).

7.  Revelation: And then God said so shall your offspring be. In other words, the place of Abram’s barrenness was going to be the place where he would bear fruit­-because God touches your broken places to reveal His glory in your life. This is why your purpose is tied to your pain-where have you suffered hurt/confusion/uncertainty-that is where the LORD will release revelation and blessings. But you have to walk through the process of stepping first into the covenant and the other steps highlighted to be able to get to the place to envision the mission. God spoke to Abram through the stars-God will speak to you through areas of your life you least expect-but His presence will be clearly there-His presence was in the stars since they shine, His presence was in the sky since He is everywhere, hence His presence is all around you but the key is to step into the covenant. The path is illuminated in the vast expanse (the sky) through the process of counting the stars.

8.  Faith: A whole lot of faith is required to bring the vision to pass, which is why God grows your faith as you walk with Him and as we have seen through this study. It took more faith to step outside than it did to enter into the covenant with God. Then it took even more faith to look up at the sky and then some more to count the stars and then some more to believe God. But you have to believe what He shows you because your agreement is a necessity (Amos 3:3) for you to receive the blessing. This is why the Word also says God will show you what you do not know (Jer. 33:3) because it is revealed through faith which is why faith is so important to God (Hebr. 10:38). What does to credit mean? To credit is the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment based on the trust that payment will be made in the future. Abram believed God would surely give him a son before he saw the son physically; hence he put his faith into action. His faith spoke for him because God credited it to him as righteousness-in other words God credited it to him as an act of faith/belief. This is why Abram was able to obtain the promise (customer) before payment (the son) because he trusted that payment would be made in the future (his faith). God hears your faith. So is your faith speaking? Faith is the exchange rate of heaven, which is why it was credited to Abram as righteousness. Hence he received the promise before he saw the manifestation.

Q: Have you received the promise through faith? Are you in covenant with God?
Tip: This is the key to unleashing the promise into your life.


Hey Guys! I previously did a similar post, which I strongly encourage you to read here as it will give more insight into how you can connect with your dreams.

Today I will walk you through 4 ways to make your dreams come true!

1.               Propel and Protect your Connections: Don’t discount the people that speak into your life. Your relationships are very much connected to your destiny-read more here.
Connect with your dream through destiny helpers not destiny destroyers. A lot of people endanger their visions by infecting their connections. Think of it like this: your connections either build/block the bridge that leads to your destiny.
So make sure you are around people that feed your ambition and do not starve your intuition. Your relationships should protect your vision rather than block your intuition-so elevate/eliminate accordingly.
Also seek out opportunities to meet new people: remember the rule: six degrees of separation. This rule in summary means that you are connected through at most 6 steps to your next valuable connection. Personally, I believe this on the other hand could mean you are connected through 6 or fewer steps depending on your circle to people that could break rather than build your destiny. So be very careful with your connections.

2.               Listen to your intuition: Intuition is important because you are following your dreams meaning you are following your inner instincts. Steve Jobs said, Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” I cannot emphasize how true this is-you have to come to the place of understanding the language of your destiny-your instinct. This is realized through practice-practice following your dreams and practice releasing rather than resisting that desire to start a blog, or join a class or begin lessons in dance etc! Practice increases preparation.

3.               Preparation leads to your position: When you are prepared through the realm of practicing which is listening to your intuition, you receive the tools to be positioned to release your intuition-your dreams. You are building the platform that will be able to carry the weight of dreams into reality.

4.               Positioning releases opportunity: Oprah Winfrey once said “luck is when preparation meets opportunity!” This is the truth-the more you prepare behind the scenes, the more you will be comfortable in front of the camera! So don’t discount those moments of frustration as you once more fail to get that note right on the keyboard-don’t be discouraged if you did not have as many people turn out to your first play as you had anticipated-this is all preparation. And one day, opportunity will come-remember it is not the numbers in the audience that count, it is the person in the audience that matters.

What I mean by this is, imagine if you had 5 people show up to your book reading, but out of those 5 people was a very well-respected agent. Now imagine you had 50 people show up but out of those 50 there were just family, friends and colleagues-which audience has a bigger influence? The 5.
So listen: Opportunity usually comes disguised as mediocrity-you never know when to expect it. You never know who is watching-so always place your best foot forward regardless of the setting!

·                 Let’s reflect: remember to protect your connections because they are directly linked to your intuition-you need to be around destiny builders not destiny destroyers which I explain about some more here.
And then learn the language of your intuition because this will release you into preparation, which positions you to receive opportunity at which point your dreams will start to invade your reality.

·                 Read:

·                 Listen:

·                 Watch:


The Kingdom Courtship Class registration closes on the 9th! If interested make sure to enroll by sending an email to: before the 9th of December 2016.

God Bless,



Hey Guys, today I start off with my self-empowerment series. The aim of this series is to teach you all how to grow in the understanding of yourself and to be positioned to release destiny.
Let’s get started!

1.             Distraction: You endanger your destiny when you become distracted from your calling. This happens in a numerous amount of ways i.e. when you get into unproductive relationships both intimate and in friendships, they begin to infect your destiny and block the pathway for you to be able to receive your calling. Some people can testify to the fact that some relationships have propelled them into their purpose while others have been pulled away from their calling because of who they have attached themselves to. Destiny is at the core of your identity-if you attach yourself to the wrong vessels on this journey, you will become distracted from your calling.

2.             Delay:  Distractions lead to delay. You will discover the more you spend time being distracted from your purpose, the more you begin to procrastinate your calling because you have started to speak a language that is not connected to destiny. When you begin to understand the language of distraction, through your relationships, your friendships this will create a platform for excuses to be developed as to why you can no longer start that project at this point in time but later-and then later becomes one month which progresses to one year and so on and so forth-because distraction leads to delay.

3.             Denial: Delay leads to denial. Denial is defined as declaring something to be untrue. This is the point at which you begin to lose your unique truth. You have lost the sound of your calling-you no longer understand the language of your identity. And this causes-denial. Denial is dangerous to your destiny because your destiny is wrapped up in your identity-and if you begin to deny your identity you have begun to deny the truth of your destiny.

4.             Disillusionment: This will cause disillusionment. To be disillusioned is to become discouraged. This is a product of denial-when you begin to deny your truth, you cannot possibly discover your destiny. This is when you become disillusioned and begin to believe that you are not as good as you once believed at singing, writing, dancing, acting or whatever other talents God has placed inside you. This is very dangerous because at this point we come to the last step on the route to dangers to destiny.

5.             Destruction: This is destruction. Destruction is the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists. Now digest this: when you begin to have self doubt through denial, and become disillusioned with yourself you have already begun the process of destroying your own destiny with your lack of identity. Destiny cannot be destroyed except we personally allow it to be done-you are in control of your destiny. This is why the original point of contact for destruction to become rooted in your destiny is distraction. It all depends on you.Your relationships will either push you forward or pull you back from your calling, and when pulled backwards clearly and even literally there will be a delay and this will produce procrastination and denial which will make you become disillusioned and at this point, you have become involved with the wrong conversation-the conversation that destroys your destiny because you can no longer see your identity.

EXERCISE: These are 5 dangers to destiny we should all be aware of so as a quick exercise I need you to reflect on your relationships-eliminate/elevate those that pull you backward/propel you forward, this will create room for your destiny to speak which will counter any thoughts of delay or give room for denial which in turn will block access for disillusionment to fester and ultimately protects your destiny from destruction.


ENROLLMENT FOR KINGDOM COURTSHIP CLASSES CLOSE NEXT WEEK-if interested in learning how to date God’s way, provide your e-mail below.

God Bless,
